Sunday, May 8, 2011


Sometimes I chose to believe in signs. Lately I thought I saw too many signs... it's like the universe or something/someone is trying to send me a message.

I don't remember when it concretely started, but I remember that lately some of the things I wish came true and/or things felt into place (like everything that really has to happen is happening). Stupid example: I truly wished to eat sushi, and today I finally had the opportunity; but not normal opportunity, I ate for free :) a member from AIESEC had a coupon and invited us :)

Lately I got so scared of different thoughts that I had and I wanted to badly some support, but deep down inside of me I knew it's probably going to be a lonely road again. But every time I wrote on my blog, people wrote me back e-mails saying that they understand me, that I'm not alone etc... people I did not even know they are reading my blog; and they said all the right things :)

Today I was searching so bad for some answers to a specific question I had in mind for a while... Today was special because of its date and what it meant for me 7th of the month. And I was reading, watching movies and thinking... and all of a sudden a lost buddy, which I met through my friend (who's birthday was on the 3rd), wrote me on Yahoo Messenger. Let me explain the weird part of it. In Romania we use a lot Yahoo Messenger to communicate, but in Dominican Republic they are more focused on Gtalk or Hotmail, so lately (the past 6 months) I barely used Yahoo. But for the past days, I started again to log in, even though nobody was talking with me through it. But today this buddy clicked the wrong window and wrote me "is worth it"... like someone/something was trying to send a message... (or maybe I should interpret it as a mistake, because the message was not for me in the first place)

Or tonight, before I went out, I was thinking that I really need to start living my life fully... now that I have 7 more weeks in Dominican Republic, now that I'm starting a new chapter, now that I'm preparing for something different... and when I arrived home, in the car, I felt in love with a new song and I guessed instantaneously who sings it and I also discovered 5 minutes later, in from of my laptop, that the name of the song is "good life"...

The last thing that happened to me before I went to bed was an e-mail I received. Actually a picture. The picture itself upset me and made me jealous and questioning stuff. But the e-mail... I got home and I wished so bad for an e-mail; I checked my inbox and there was no e-mail I had wished for. But after I discovered the new song I felt in love with, I got the e-mail I wished for. I don't know if I should accept the sign as it (received what I wanted - be careful what you wish for) or if I should interpret it as a sign showing something else (the content of the picture).

Why do I see so many signs around me? Or maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me and I see only what I wanna see... crazy to believe in signs? and how to interpret them? :)

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