How should I start this? Well, I've been thinking and analyzing a lot lately and I feel a new chapter of my life is starting. And, due to the fact that a lot of people asked me to start writing again, I decided that writing will be part of this new chapter.
I will not over-analyze and talk to you only about the new chapter that is about to begin. But I would like to say I had an AMAZING 2011 :) I cannot believe I did all of that :) I was in Dominican Republic, I was leading an organization, I went to an International Conference in Mexico (!!!), I visited Dominican Republic, I fell in love, I celebrated my birthday in a crazy way (and very far away from home), I visited Germany, I lost my friends and then they got me back, I went home for 2 months and I re-connected with my parents, I visited Romania (unexplored "parts"), I was chair for a local conference for AIESEC Bucharest (great way to re-connect with my home LC), I got an internship in Western Europe, I moved to another country, I've got my own place, I celebrated 5 years of being an AIESECer... and the year did not finish yet. WOW!!!
Looking back at my resolutions for 2011:
- "exchange - I'm going to work in a company in western Europe and I will start the slow transition between the organization that gave me the best 4 years of my life to corporate life" DONE
- "This year I'm going to read at least that 52 books (at least one per week)" DONE
- "This year I'm going to take my parents to Rome by plane and we are going to visit the city for at least 4 days (on my own expense)" DONE (I did not take them to Rome for 4 days, but to Brussels for 7 days, so I think it compensates)
I managed to do all of them! WOW!!!
I am very proud of my 2011 and I realize it will be very difficult to make 2012 better :) I already have a couple of resolutions in my mind for 2012, but they are not decided upon yet. I will come back with news about this.
Until then, getting back to the reason of my post today, I feel that a new chapter is about to begin. You know how sometimes, before the storm comes, you can smell the rain? Or how sometimes before a storm hits, everything gets calm? I have no idea what comes now (if it's a storm or not), but something new is about to start. And I'm getting excited... actually, I already started to make some changes in my life... :)
I case I'm not writing before 31st of December, I will wish you a Happy New Year and a FANTASTIC 2012! Kisses!